Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fresh Start

I've made some major changes in the last couple months and honestly ... my heart just wasn't in my old blog.
It made me feel weighed down.
Hesitant about what to write.
Uncertain which direction to take it.
Frustration at the presentation.

So what did I do?
What any hot blooded CanAm does, toss it all and start fresh.
It's the way things are done in "rich countries" doncha know?

For those who has stumbled upon me by accident, by cyber stalking or by chance here's a short description of me (actually, it may not be that short. I'm rather wordy). In my words obviously, since I ain't gonna be asking anyone else. You never know what those crazies will say!... huh, isn't that funny. I went to give a description and my mind kind of froze. Like, "Uuuuuhhhh... who's going to be reading this? What adjective shall we start with? If I say "kind" does that mean I think I'm MOST kind? More kind than say, intelligent?" Thoughtful. Patient. Generous. Hot tempered, easily cooled. A little obsessed with cleanliness. Gypsy blooded, slow footed. Impatient. Contradictory. Argumentative. Agreeable.

I'm not sure what this is going to be yet. A monolog of brain matter. A general accounting. Maybe both. Let's take a ride and see where we go.

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